Hi my name is Daniela Payan,I am 15 years old, I was born and raised in Santa Maria Californa, and I'm really looking forward to improving my reading and writing this semester!
1. What's something your good at? I think that I am very good at basketball and I didn't even realize that until I was in middle. I was very shy and when I got to middle school I started to try out new things so I decided to try out basketball and I made the team. I ended up being a pint guard and a guard. I think it was a pretty good experience for my 7th and 8th grade year. 2. Some students have decided to stab themselves with sharp objects in sensitive areas (tongues, faces, belly buttons). Why? What does this symbolize to you? What do you think they intended it to symbolize? I think that teen like them because they think it's cool and as a matter of fact I want a nose piercing when I am 16. In my personal opinion I don't see anything wrong with it because it's you own body. 3. The president is at your door? what do you want to tell him? Well if we are talking about trump then I just want to ...
I think that arguing is a good thing because it can help people come a conclusion. There are many ways to argue. There is the one where your screaming at each other and the other one where you and the other person are letting each other talk and say what you guys want to say with out talking over each other. There are also many more ways we can improve our country by arguing. One of those ways is by finding the problem to why a lot of people are getting treated differently then others. People can argue all day about this topic and never come down to a conclusion because the same things get said over and over again (which I'm not getting into that topic). Also arguing can be put into books that anyone can read and can be discussed among each other. And also arguing can bring people together and create a strong relationship or bond with who ever they are arguing with. Lastly arguing can really...
After reading "The right to your opinion" I think that we should have the right to say our own opinion but also have things to back it up. And I also agree about how people get offended when someone says that they don't agree with what they saying because they always want to be right when that's not the case there is going too be times where not everyone will agree with you. I also feel like a lot of us don't like to consider others opinion because they think that only there's matters. I think that no one is entitled to there opinion unless they have evidence to back it up or it's an actual fact.
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